# This script was implemented by Bob Cunningham. It will take a plain-text # FAQ file as input and generate a set of excerpt files, one for each # item in the table of contents. It will also generate a hypertext # version of the full FAQ. # I've tried to adequately document this script in explanatory comments. # When reading these comments, you should bear in mind that they were # added several days after debugging of the script was completed. Also, # I wrote a portion of the script several months ago (to generate # fast-FAQ excerpts only.) It's not impossible that I may have erred # in some places in interpreting what the script does. I hope not, but # be alert. # Files may be assigned to different directories by changing any of the # following four statements. In any case, the "excerpts" directory # must be a subdirectory of the "output_full_faq" directory. $input_faq_dir_name = "/aue_si~2/potass~1/" ; $log_dir_name = "/aue_si~2/potass~1/" ; $output_full_faq_dir_name = "/aue_si~2/potass~1/" ; $excerpt_dir_name = $output_full_faq_dir_name . "excerpts/" ; # You can choose file names of your own by changing any of the following # four lines. $input_file_name = "au970929.tst" ; $fast_faq_toc_output_file_name = "fast_faq_toc.html" ; $full_faq_2_out_file_name = "full_faq_with_int_links.shtml" ; #Restrictions: # URLs must be enclosed in angle brackets. # One or more URLs may be embedded in a line, but there must be no # "<"s or ">"s on that line that are not enclosing a URL. # For a heading to be used for a target from the table of contents, # it must be followed by a line containing one or more hyphens and # nothing else. # The Table of Contents in the input file must be terminated by a line # containing one or more equals signs and nothing else. # A title line must be preceded by a line containing only white space. # In general, the input FAQ file must continue to use the formatting # conventions that Mark Israel used. # Refinements needed: # Won't handle a line with both a URL and angle brackets not associated # with a URL. This means, for example, you couldn't have a URL and an # e-mail address on the the same line. # Maybe Usenet-group names should be converted to hyperlinks. # Also e-mail addresses. # Then again, maybe not. # The file "fast_faq_toc.html" is intended to be copied and pasted to # replace the table of contents in a previous version of fast-faq.shtml. # This will only be applicable if there is a change to the table of # contents in Mark Israel's FAQ. This is not likely to happen unless # Mark chooses to make the change. One exception to this is that I have # added a table-of-contents line "[Prefatory Remarks]". # "groups_and_email_addresses.html" has nothing to do with the normal operation # of the script. It was inserted for an investigative purpose. $see_newsgroups_and_email_addresses_file_name = "groups_and_email_addresses.html" ; $qrs = open ( NEWSGROUPS, ">$output_full_faq_dir_name$see_newsgroups_and_email_addresses_file_name" ) ; if ( not $qrs ) { die "Open file $output_full_faq_dir_name$see_newsgroups_and_email_addresses_file_name failed " ; } # The following name refers to a version of the FAQ that has external links # converted to hyperlinks, but has no internal links. No need for this file # is foreseen at present, but who knows what future users may want? The lines # for generating this file have been left in place, but commented out. #$full_faq_out_file_name = "mod_full_faq.html" ; # The utility "gmtime" retrieves elements that can be used to print out dates and times. ($xsec, $xmin, $xhour, $xmday, $xmon, $xyear, $xwday, $xyday, $xisdst ) = gmtime ( time ) ; @time_list = ($xsec, $xmin, $xhour, $xmday, $xmon, $xyear, $xwday, $xyday, $xisdst ) ; @time_list = undef ( @time_list ) ; #This and prev. to make Perl quit complaining about unused variables if ( $xhour < 10 ) { $xhour = "0$xhour" ; } if ( $xmin < 10 ) { $xmin = "0$xmin" ; } if ( $xyear > 99 ) { $xyear -= 100 ; if ( $xyear < 10 ) { $xyear = "0$xyear" } ; $xyear = "20$xyear" ; } else { if ( $xyear < 10 ) { $xyear = "0$xyear" } ; $xyear = "19$xyear" ; } @wday_list = qw ( Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday ) ; $xwkday = $wday_list [ $xwday ] ; @month_list = qw ( January February March April May June July August September October November December ) ; $mon_now = $month_list [ $xmon ] ; # The string $num_list is used in the generation of unique excerpt-file names, # which are also used for target labels in the full FAQ output. $num_list = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' ; open ( OUTFASTFAQTOC, ">$output_full_faq_dir_name$fast_faq_toc_output_file_name" ) ; $qrs = open ( INFAQFILE, "$input_faq_dir_name$input_file_name" ) ; if ( not $qrs ) { die "Open input file A ($input_faq_dir_name$input_file_name) failed " ; } ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst ) = gmtime ( time ) ; $secb = $sec ; $minb = $min ; if ( $min < 10 ) { $min = "0$min" ; } if ( $sec < 10 ) { $sec = "0$sec" ; } print "Start time: $hour:$min:$sec GMT\n" ; # The contents of the entire input file will be placed in an array, then # the input file will be closed. The file with the handle NEWSGROUPS will # be used to investigate the possibility of making hot links of e-mail addresses and # newsgroup names. $faq_line_count = 0 ; while ( ) { $faq_array[$faq_line_count] = $_ ; if ( $faq_array[$faq_line_count] =~ /(\S*(?:\w\w+\.)+\w\w+\S)/ ) { $group_string = $1 ; if ( $group_string !~ /\.html|\.com|\.edu|\.org|\.net|http|www\.|\.shtml/ ) { print NEWSGROUPS "$group_string\n" ; } } $faq_2_array[$faq_line_count++] = $_ ; } $num_faq_lines = @faq_array ; print "File $input_file_name has $num_faq_lines lines.\n" ; close INFAQFILE ; $intro_line_count = 0 ; $faq_line_count = 0 ; $reading_intro = 0 ; $toc_line_count = 0 ; # The beginning of the table of contents is defined by a line in the input file # containing only white space and one or more hyphens, preceded by a line # containing the string "Table of Contents". The end of the table of contents # is defined by a line containing one or more equal signs starting in column 1. while ( $faq_line_count <= $num_faq_lines && $faq_array[$faq_line_count] !~ /^\=+$/ ) { if ( $reading_intro == 0 ) { if ($faq_array[$faq_line_count+1] =~ /^\s*-+$/ && $faq_array[$faq_line_count] =~ /\s*Table of Contents\s*$/ ) { print "\nTable of Contents is at line $faq_line_count\n" ; $reading_intro = 1 ; $toc_array[$toc_line_count++] = "Table of Major Headings\n" ; $toc_array[$toc_line_count] = "-----------------------\n" ; $intro_start_line = $faq_line_count ; $intro_array[0] = $faq_array[$faq_line_count] ; } ++$faq_line_count ; } # After the beginning of the table of contents has been found, successive lines # in the input array will be read into an array called "intro_array". In the # process, each line that begins with a white-space character will have # precatenated to it a link to the item in the text that corresponds to the # table-of-contents line. # Lines with no leading white space will be put into a table of major headings # in array $toc_array. else { if ( $faq_array[$faq_line_count] =~ /^[^\s]/ ) { if ( $toc_line_count > 1 ) { $toc_one_index = 0 ; $toc_two_index = 0 ; $name_string = $faq_array[$faq_line_count] ; chomp ( $name_string ) ; $name_string =~ s/\W//g ; if ( length ( $name_string ) < 6 ) { $name_string = $name_string . "xxxxxx" ; } $toc_a_name = 'tc' . substr ( $name_string, 0, 6 ) ; # Check to see if the line name is unique. If not, make it unique. while ( exists ($toc_hash{$toc_a_name} ) ) { $toc_a_name = 'tc' . substr ( $name_string, 0, 4 ) . substr ( $num_list, $toc_one_index, 1 ) . substr ( $num_list, $toc_two_index++, 1 ) ; if ( $toc_two_index > 35 ) { $toc_two_index = 0 ; ++$toc_one_index ; } } $toc_hash { $toc_a_name } = $toc_a_name ; $chomp_faq_array = $faq_array[$faq_line_count] ; chomp ( $chomp_faq_array ) ; # In the Table of Major Headings line, put a link to the corresponding Table of # Contents line. Put a "name" anchor in the Table of Contents Line. $toc_array[$toc_line_count] = '' . $chomp_faq_array . '' . "\n" ; $faq_2_array[$faq_line_count] = '' . $chomp_faq_array . "\n" ; } ++$toc_line_count ; } $intro_array[++$intro_line_count] = $faq_array[$faq_line_count++] ; } } if ( $reading_intro == 0 ) { die " Reached end of FAQ file without finding TOC line.\n" ; } if ( $faq_line_count == $num_faq_lines ) { die " Reached end of FAQ file without finding '===...=' line.\n" ; } $num_intro_lines = @intro_array ; print "There are $num_intro_lines intro lines.\n" ; $num_toc_lines = @toc_array ; print "There are $num_toc_lines table-of-contents lines.\n" ; $nofindlogname = "$log_dir_name" . "no_find_log.txt" ; $qrs = open ( OUTNOFIND, ">$nofindlogname" ) ; if ( not $qrs ) { die "Open no-find log file $nofindlogname failed " ; } #The file "excptlog.txt" was used for troubleshooting. #$outlogname = "$log_dir_name" . "excptlog.txt" ; #$qrs = open ( OUTLOGFILE, ">$outlogname" ) ; #if ( not $qrs ) { die "Open out log file $outlogname failed " ; } # The file OUTFULLFAQ was a full FAQ with external links but no internal # links. The lines to process that file are left in place but commented # out, in case someone wants to use them in the future. #open ( OUTFULLFAQ, ">$output_full_faq_dir_name$full_faq_out_file_name" ) ; #print OUTFULLFAQ '' . "\n" ; #print OUTFULLFAQ '' . "\n" ; #print OUTFULLFAQ ' ' . "\n" ; #print OUTFULLFAQ '' . "\n" ; #print OUTFULLFAQ 'Almost plain ASCII AUE FAQ (external hyperlinks only)' . "\n" ; #print OUTFULLFAQ '' . "\n" ; #print OUTFULLFAQ '' . "\n" ; #print OUTFULLFAQ '' . "\n" ; #print OUTFULLFAQ '' . "\n" ; #print OUTFULLFAQ 'This file is an updated ' . "\n" ; #print OUTFULLFAQ 'version of the September 1997 edition of Mark Israel\'s AUE FAQ.' . "\n" ; #print OUTFULLFAQ "It has Mark's original text intact, except where obsolete URLs have " . "\n" ; #print OUTFULLFAQ 'been replaced with "[...]". Wherever this has been done,' . "\n" ; #print OUTFULLFAQ 'a note has been added, indented and in square brackets, commenting' . "\n" ; #print OUTFULLFAQ 'on the obsolete URL and providing an updated URL if possible. ' . "\n" ; #print OUTFULLFAQ 'All URLs containing "http" have been converted to' . "\n" ; #print OUTFULLFAQ 'hyperlinks.
' . "\n" ; #print OUTFULLFAQ "This file was generated by a Perl script (faqexcpt.pl) $xwkday # $xmday $mon_now $xyear $xhour:$xmin GMT
" . "\n" ; #print OUTFULLFAQ '
' . "\n" ; #print OUTFULLFAQ '
' . "\n" ; #print OUTFULLFAQ '
'  . "\n" ;
# The file OUT2FULLFAQ will contain the output FAQ file with both external and
#   internal links.
$qrs = open ( OUT2FULLFAQ, ">$output_full_faq_dir_name$full_faq_2_out_file_name" ) ;
if ( not $qrs ) { die "Open no-find log file $output_full_faq_dir_name$full_faq_2_out_file_name failed " ; }
# Write to the output FAQ file the HTML header and the part of the body containing
#   introductory and explanatory comments.
print OUT2FULLFAQ '' . "\n" ;
print OUT2FULLFAQ '' . "\n"  ;

' . "\n"  ;
print OUT2FULLFAQ '' . "\n" ;
print OUT2FULLFAQ "Mark Israel's AUE FAQ with internal hyperlinks"  . "\n"  ;
print OUT2FULLFAQ '' . "\n"  ;
print OUT2FULLFAQ '' . "\n"  ;
print OUT2FULLFAQ '' . "\n"  ;
print OUT2FULLFAQ '' ."\n" ;
print OUT2FULLFAQ '' . "\n"  ;
print OUT2FULLFAQ 'This file is an updated ' . "\n" ;
print OUT2FULLFAQ 'version of the September 1997 edition of Mark Israel\'s AUE FAQ.' . "\n"  ;
print OUT2FULLFAQ "It has Mark's original text intact, except where obsolete URLs have " . "\n"  ;
print OUT2FULLFAQ 'been replaced with "[...]".  Wherever this has been done,' . "\n"  ;
print OUT2FULLFAQ 'a note has been added, indented and in square brackets, commenting'  . "\n"  ;
print OUT2FULLFAQ 'on the obsolete URL and providing an updated URL if possible.' . "\n"  ;
print OUT2FULLFAQ 'There are also indented and bracketed notes to provide other' . "\n" ;
print OUT2FULLFAQ 'kinds of updates or to point to supplementary information.' . "\n" ;
print OUT2FULLFAQ 'All URLs containing "http" have been converted to'  . "\n"  ;
print OUT2FULLFAQ 'hyperlinks. 
' . "\n" ; print OUT2FULLFAQ "This file was generated by a Perl script (faqexcpt.pl) $xwkday $xmday $mon_now $xyear $xhour:$xmin GMT
" . "\n" ; print OUT2FULLFAQ '
' . "\n" ; print OUT2FULLFAQ '
' . "\n" ; print OUT2FULLFAQ '
'  . "\n" ;
$intro_line_num = 0 ;
# Prepare to use the contents of the current line number as a hyperlink to the
#   corresponding section of the text.  
INTRO_LOOP: while ( $intro_line_num < $num_intro_lines )
# Reject the line if it's all blank, if it contains only hyphens, if it starts
#   with "<", or if it starts with "Last modification".
    if ( $intro_array[$intro_line_num] =~ /^\s*$/ ||
         $intro_array[$intro_line_num] =~ /^-+$/ ||
         $intro_array[$intro_line_num] =~ /^ english singulars' )
          { $search_arg = 'foreign plurals => english singulars' ; }
        elsif ( $search_arg eq 'shall vs will, would vs should' )
          { $search_arg = 'shall vs will, should vs would' ; }
        elsif ( $search_arg eq 'iso' )
          { $search_arg = 'iso by mark brader' ; }
        elsif ( $search_arg eq 'limerence' )
          { $search_arg = 'limerence/limerent' ; }
        elsif ( $search_arg eq 'suck=be very unsatisfying' )
          { $search_arg = 'suck=be very unsatisfying by john davies' ; }
        elsif ( $search_arg eq 'spitting image/spit and image' )
          { $search_arg = 'spit and image/spitting image' ; }
        elsif ( $search_arg eq 'list of language terms' )
          { $search_arg = 'what is the language term for?' ; }
        elsif ( $search_arg eq 'grass strip between road and sidewalk' )
          { $search_arg = 'what do you call the grass strip between the road and the sidewalk?' ; }
        elsif ( $search_arg eq 'deliberate mistakes in dictionaries' )
          { $search_arg = 'do publishers put false info in dictionaries to catch plagiarists?' ; }
        elsif ( $search_arg eq 'why do we say 30 years old but a 30-year-old man?' )
          { $search_arg = 'why do we say 30 years old, but a 30-year-old man?' ; }
        elsif ( $search_arg eq 'possessive apostrophes' )
          { $search_arg = 'where to put apostrophes in possessive forms' ; }
# The search argument will be compared with each line in the input array that is
#   followed by a line that contains only hyphens, until a match is found.
        $faq_line_num = 0 ;
        while ( $faq_line_num < $num_faq_lines - 1 )
            if ( $faq_array[$faq_line_num+1] !~ /-+$/ )
                  ++$faq_line_num ;
                  next ;
# Prepare the current faq-array line to be used as a compare argument.  Remove
#   all "["s, "]"s, "."s, double quotes, and "!"s.  Convert the line to lowercase.
#   If the line contains the string "(notes by<.*>)", where I'm using '<.*>' with
#   a different meaning from what it has in Perl (that is, to stand for any
#   number of characters that are not ")", remove that string.  Remove all white
#   space.
                $compare_arg = $faq_array[$faq_line_num] ;
                chomp ( $compare_arg ) ;
                $compare_arg =~ s/[\[\]]//g ;
                $compare_arg =~ s/[".!]//g ;
                $compare_arg = lc ( $compare_arg ) ;
                $compare_arg =~ s/\(notes by[^\)]*\)// ;
                $compare_arg =~ s/\s*$// ;
                if ( $compare_arg eq $search_arg )
# A hit has been found.  This line in the input array will be the start of
#   Fast-FAQ file, and will also be the target of an anchor in the table of contents.
#   A unique name will be built for the Fast-FAQ file corresponding to the
#   search argument.  It will consist of "fx" followed by the first six letters of 
#   the compare argument unless that string is not unique, in which case it
#   will consist of "fx" followed by the first four letters of the compare
#   argument followed by a unique two-digit number.  The same name will be used for
#   the link from the table of contents to the text.
                    $pick_one_index = 0 ;
                    $pick_two_index = 0 ;
                    $name_string = $search_arg ;
                    $name_string =~ s/\W//g ;
                    chomp ( $name_string ) ;
                    if ( length ( $name_string ) < 6 )
                         $name_string = $name_string . "xxxxxx" ;
# The name will the "fx" followed by the first six characters of the search argument,
#   unless that name is not unique, in which case the name will consist of "fx"
#   followed by the first four characters of the search argument, followed by a 
#   unique two-digit number.
                    $fx_file_base = 'fx' . 
                                    substr ( $name_string, 0, 6 ) ;
                    $fx_file_name = "$fx_file_base" . '.html' ;
                    while ( exists ($fx_hash{$fx_file_name} ) )
                        $fx_file_base = 'fx' . 
                             substr ( $name_string, 0, 4 ) .
                             substr ( $num_list, $pick_one_index, 1 ) .
                             substr ( $num_list, $pick_two_index++, 1 ) ; 
                        $fx_file_name = "$fx_file_base" . '.html' ;
                        if ( $pick_two_index > 35 ) 
                            $pick_two_index = 0 ;
                            ++$pick_one_index ;
                    $fx_hash { $fx_file_name } = $search_arg ;
                    $chomp_faq_array = $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num-1] ;
                    chomp ( $chomp_faq_array ) ;
                    $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num-1] =
                         '' .
                         "$chomp_faq_array" .
                         "" . "\n" ;
                    $url_label = $faq_2_array[$intro_start_line + $intro_line_num] ;
                    $url_label =~ s/^\s*// ;
                    $url_label =~ s/\s*$// ;
# Three items in the table of major headings must be given special treatment because
#   they have text material of their own following them.
                    if ( $fx_file_base eq 'fxprefat' || $fx_file_base eq 'fxwelcom' ||
                         $fx_file_base eq 'fxfore00' )
                        $white_lead = "" ;
                    elsif ( $fx_file_base eq 'fxplural' || $fx_file_base eq 'fxforeig' )
                        $white_lead = "        " ;
                        $white_lead = "    " ;
                    $faq_2_array[$intro_start_line + $intro_line_num] =
                         "$white_lead" .
                         '' .
                         "$url_label" .
                         "" . "\n" ;
# The following lines will convert a line typified by
#   '[Prefatory remarks]' to
#   '[Prefatory remarks]'.
# Further below, the '' will be moved to the previous line.
                    if ( $fx_file_base eq 'fxprefat' || $fx_file_base eq 'fxwelcom' ||
                         $fx_file_base eq 'fxfore00' )
                      { $faq_string = $faq_2_array[$intro_start_line + $intro_line_num] ;
                        $faq_string =~ s/(^<[^>]+>)(<[^>]+>)([^<]*<\/a>$)/$2$1$3/ ;
                        $faq_2_array[$intro_start_line + $intro_line_num] = $faq_string ;
# The file OUTLOGFILE was used for information during debugging.
#                   print OUTLOGFILE "  \$compare_arg is at line $faq_line_num in the FAQ.\n" ;
#                   print OUTLOGFILE "  \$fx_file_name is $fx_file_name\n" ;
# Output the header and introductory lines for the current FAQ-excerpt file.
                    open ( OUTEXCERPT, ">$excerpt_dir_name$fx_file_name" ) ;
                    print OUTEXCERPT '' . "\n" ;
                    print OUTEXCERPT '' . "\n"  ;
                    print OUTEXCERPT '

' . "\n"  ;
                    print OUTEXCERPT '' . "\n" ;
                    print OUTEXCERPT 'AUE FAQ excerpt: ' . $faq_array[$faq_line_num] . "\n"  ;
                    print OUTEXCERPT '' . "\n"  ;
                    print OUTEXCERPT '' . "\n"  ;
                    print OUTEXCERPT '' . "\n"  ;
                    print OUTEXCERPT '' . "\n"  ;
                    print OUTEXCERPT 'This file is an excerpt ' . "\n" ;
                    print OUTEXCERPT "from the September 1997 version of Mark Israel\'s AUE FAQ.
" . "\n" ; print OUTEXCERPT "The file was re-generated $xwkday $xmday $mon_now $xyear $xhour:$xmin GMT with URLs updated where necessary and if possible.
" . "\n" ; print OUTEXCERPT 'To see the full AUE FAQ, click
here.' . "\n" ; print OUTEXCERPT '' . "\n" ; print OUTEXCERPT '
' . "\n" ; print OUTEXCERPT '
'  . "\n" ;
                    $start_body_line_num = $faq_line_num ;
                    $body_line_num = $faq_line_num + 2 ;
# Find the last line of the text of the current FAQ excerpt file.  This will be the
#   third line preceding any line containing one or more hyphens starting in column one, 
#   followed by end-of-line.
                    $test_string = $faq_array[$body_line_num] ;
                    $test_string =~ s/^\s*// ;
                    while ( $test_string !~ /^\-+$/ )
                        $test_string = $faq_array[$body_line_num++] ;
                        $test_string =~ s/^\s*// ;
                    $end_body_line_num = $body_line_num - 3 ;
                    $body_line_num = $start_body_line_num ;
# Output the text of the current Fast-FAQ file.
                    while ( $body_line_num < $end_body_line_num )
                        $full_html = $faq_array[$body_line_num] ;
                        $h_index = index ( $full_html, "http://", 0 ) ;
                        $last_h = 0 ;
# If a line containing "http://" is found, convert it to a hyperlink.
                        while ( $h_index >= 0 )
# Different treatment is needed depending upon whether the URL is at the 
#   beginning of the line or within the line.  Also depending upon whether the
#   URL is already enclosed in angle brackets.               
                           { if ( $h_index > 0 )
# URL is within the line.
                              { if ( substr ( $full_html, $h_index - 1, 1 ) eq "<" )
                                  { $g_index = index ( $full_html, ">", $h_index ) ;
                                    $url = substr ( $full_html, $h_index, $g_index - $h_index ) ;
                                    $front_part = substr ( $full_html, 0, $h_index - 1 ) ;
                                    $mid_part = '<' . $url . ">" ;
                                    $back_part = substr ( $full_html, $g_index + 1 ) ;
                                    $full_html = $front_part . $mid_part . $back_part ;
                                  { $front_part = substr ( $full_html, 0, $h_index - 1 ) ; 
                                    $lenurl = length ( $full_html ) - length ( $front_part ) ;
                                    $url = substr ( $full_html, $h_index, $lenurl ) ;
                                    $back_part = '' . $url . "" ;
                                    $full_html = $front_part . $back_part ;
# URL is at the beginning of the line.
                              { $full_html = '' . $full_html . '' ;
                             $last_h = $h_index + 2 * length ( $url ) + 18 ;
                             $h_index = index ( $full_html, "http://", $last_h ) ;
                        $faq_array[$body_line_num] = $full_html ;
                        $faq_2_array[$body_line_num] = $full_html ;
# If the current line does not contain a URL, all "<"s and ">"s will be converted
#   to escape sequences.  This works okay with the present FAQ contents, but there's
#   no reason why a line with a URL shouldn't also have angle brackets for other 
#   reasons, so this should be refined.
                        if ( $faq_array[$body_line_num] !~ /http:\/\// )
                            $faq_array[$body_line_num] =~ s//>/g ;
                            $faq_2_array[$body_line_num] =~ s//>/g ;
                        if ( $faq_array[$body_line_num] !~ /^=+$/ )
# The "Addlink" feature was incorporated and was at first used, but I see no
#   occurrence ot "Addlink" in the file au970929.mod, so I must have decided I
#   no longer needed it.
                            if ( $faq_array[$body_line_num] =~  /\[([^`]*)`\s*Addlink:\s*([^`]*)`([^]]*)]/ )
                                $faq_array[$body_line_num] = "       \[$1$2$3]/" . "\n" ;
                                $faq_array[$body_line_num] =~ s/<//g ;
                                $faq_array[$body_line_num] =~ s/href=\"/href=\"..\//
# When the script encounters "`setital`", it changes the font to italics and a
# different color until a "`/setital`" is found.  There are three possibilities:
# 1. There is a "`setital`" with no "`/setital`" on the same line.  Italicization
#    will be initiated: 
                            elsif ( $faq_array[$body_line_num] =~ /`setital`/ &&
                                      $faq_array[$body_line_num] !~ /`\/setital`/ )
                                { $faq_array[$body_line_num] =~ s/(^\s*)`setital`(.*)/$1$2/ ;
                                  $faq_array[$body_line_num] = "" . "$faq_array[$body_line_num]" ;
# 2. There are a "`setital`" and a "`/setital`" on the same line.  Only this
#    line will be italicized:
                            elsif ( $faq_array[$body_line_num] =~ /`setital`/ &&
                                    $faq_array[$body_line_num] =~ /`\/setital`/ )
                              { chomp ( $faq_array[$body_line_num] ) ;
                                $faq_array[$body_line_num] =~ s/(^\s*)`setital`(.*)/$1$2/ ;
                                $faq_array[$body_line_num] =~ s/(.*)`\/setital`/$1/ ;
                                $faq_array[$body_line_num] = "" . "$faq_array[$body_line_num]" . "\n" ;
# 3. There is a "`/setital`" with no "`setital`" on the same line.  Italicization
#    will be stopped after this line is italicized:
                            elsif ( $faq_array[$body_line_num] =~ /`\/setital`/ )
                              { chomp ( $faq_array[$body_line_num] ) ;
                                $faq_array[$body_line_num] =~ s/([^`]*)`\/setital`/$1/ ;
                                $faq_array[$body_line_num] = "$faq_array[$body_line_num]" . "\n" ;
# A URL within an italicized region is formatted as typified by the following:
# `setital`[Click `a href="deja_comments.html"`here` for additional comments about deja.com.]`/setital`
# The following lines convert this to the following:
#      [Click here for additional comments about deja.com.]
                            if ( $faq_array[$body_line_num] =~ /(^[^`]*)`a href="([^`]*)`([^`]*)`(.*)/ )
                              { $faq_array[$body_line_num] = "$1$3<\/a>$4\n" ; }
# The following line writes each line, modified or not, to the excerpt file.
                            print OUTEXCERPT $faq_array[$body_line_num++] ;
                            ++$body_line_num ;
# Write the ending lines to the excerpt file and close the file.
                    print OUTEXCERPT '
' ; print OUTEXCERPT '' ; print OUTEXCERPT '' ; close OUTEXCERPT ; # $hot_string = $intro_array[$intro_line_num] ; chomp ( $hot_string ) ; # The following lines will insert a link to the excerpt file between any # leading white-space characters and the beginning of the non-white-space. # If there are no leading white-space characters, the link will be inserted # at the beginning of the line. # I now observe that the following "if" will always be satisfied, since any # line will have at its beginning zero or more white-space characters followed # by one character that is not a white-space character. This is harmless. if ( $hot_string =~ /(^\s*)\S/ ) { $leading_white = $1 ; $hot_string =~ s/^\s*// ; } $intro_array[$intro_line_num] = $leading_white . "\" . $hot_string . "\<\/a\>\n" ; # Note that from this point on, the array $intro_array will be used only to write # the Fast-FAQ table of contents file. ++$intro_line_num ; next INTRO_LOOP ; } else # compare_arg did not equal search_arg: { { ++$faq_line_num ; } } } } ++$intro_line_num ; if ( $faq_line_num ge $num_faq_lines ) { print OUTNOFIND "'$search_arg' not found.\n" ; } } } # Write the table of major headings to the output full-FAQ file: $toc_line_num = 0 ; while ( $toc_line_num < $num_toc_lines ) { print OUT2FULLFAQ $toc_array[$toc_line_num++] ; } print OUT2FULLFAQ "\n" ; # Before the output FAQ array is written to the full-FAQ file, a variety # of processing steps must be carried out: $faq_line_num = 0 ; $new_entry_flag = 0 ; $start_line_num = 0 ; while ( $faq_line_num < $num_faq_lines ) { # print OUTFULLFAQ $faq_array[$faq_line_num] ; # If a line does not contain a URL or a "a=name" anchor, replace all "<"s # and ">"s with escape sequences. if ( $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] !~ /http:\/\//g && $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] !~ /a href=/g && $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] !~ /a name=/g ) { $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] =~ s//>/g ; } # As explained earlier, I have apparently decided at some point not to use # the "Addlink" feature any longer. if ( $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] =~ /\[([^`]*)`\s*Addlink:\s*([^`]*)`([^]]*)]/ ) { $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] = " \[$1$2$3]" . "\n" ; $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] =~ s/<//g ; } # Lines contains "`setital" and "`/setital`" were previously processed for the # excerpt files. They will now be processed in the same way for the output # full-FAQ file: # There are three possibilities with respect to "`setital`" and "`/setital`": # 1. The line contains "`setital`" and not "`/setital`". Italicization # will be initiated: elsif ( $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] =~ /`setital`/ && $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] !~ /`\/setital`/ ) { $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] =~ s/(^\s*)`setital`(.*)/$1$2/ ; $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] = "" . "$faq_2_array[$faq_line_num]" ; } # 2. The line contains both "`setital`" and "`/setital`". Only this line # will be italicized: elsif ( $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] =~ /`setital`/ && $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] =~ /`\/setital`/ ) { chomp ( $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] ) ; $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] =~ s/(^\s*)`setital`(.*)/$1$2/ ; $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] =~ s/(.*)`\/setital`/$1/ ; $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] = "" . "$faq_2_array[$faq_line_num]" . "\n" ; } # 3. The line contains "`/setital" and not "`setital`". Italicization # will be stopped after this line is italicized: elsif ( $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] =~ /`\/setital`/ ) { chomp ( $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] ) ; $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] =~ s/([^`]*)`\/setital`/$1/ ; $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] = "$faq_2_array[$faq_line_num]" . "\n" ; } # A URL within an italicized region is formatted as typified by the following: # `setital`[Click `a href="deja_comments.html"`here` for additional comments about deja.com.]`/setital` # The following lines convert this to the following: # [Click here for additional comments about deja.com.] if ( $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] =~ /(^[^`]*)`(a href=[^`]*)`([^`]*)`(.*)/ ) { $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] = "$1<$2>$3<\/a>$4\n" ; } # The following lines convert the section "New entries this year" to # hyperlinks: if ( $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] =~ /^New entries this year/ ) { $new_entry_flag = 1 ; } elsif ( $new_entry_flag == 1 && $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] =~ /^<\/a>/ ) { $new_entry_flag = 0 ; } if ( $new_entry_flag == 1 ) { $search_string = $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] ; chomp ( $search_string ) ; $search_string =~ s/\s*$// ; $search_string =~ s/^\s+(\S.*$)/$1/ ; if ( $start_line_num == 0 ) { $search_line_num = $faq_line_num + 1 ; while ( ! ($faq_2_array[$search_line_num] =~ /^Table of Contents\s*$/ && $faq_2_array[$search_line_num+1] =~ /^-+\s*$/ ) ) { ++$search_line_num ; } $start_line_num = $search_line_num ; } else { $search_line_num = $start_line_num ; $hit = 0 ; while ( $faq_2_array[$search_line_num] !~ /^<\/a>/ && $search_line_num < $num_faq_lines && $hit == 0 ) { $try_string = $faq_2_array[$search_line_num] ; chomp ( $try_string ) ; $try_string =~ s/\s*$// ; $try_string =~ s/^\s+(\S.*$)/$1/ ; $try_string =~ s/^<[^>]*>([^<]*).*$/$1/ ; if ( $try_string eq $search_string ) { $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] = $faq_2_array[$search_line_num] ; $hit = 1 ; } else { ++$search_line_num ; } } } } # Because Netscape 6 doesn't work the same as other browsers when the "a name=" # tag is on the same line as the intended destination, the following # line will move it to the previous line: if ( $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num+1] =~ /^(]+>)(]+>)(.*$)/ ) { $name_string = $1 ; $href_string = $2 ; $tail_string = $3 ; $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] = $name_string . $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num] ; $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num+1] = $href_string . $tail_string . "\n" ; } # Write the current line to the output full-FAQ file: print OUT2FULLFAQ $faq_2_array[$faq_line_num++] ; } # Write the ending statements to the output full-FAQ file: #print OUTFULLFAQ '
' . "\n" ; #print OUTFULLFAQ '' . "\n" ; #print OUTFULLFAQ '' . "\n" ; print OUT2FULLFAQ '
' . "\n" ; print OUT2FULLFAQ '' . "\n" ; print OUT2FULLFAQ '' . "\n" ; # Write the fast-FAQ table of contents to a file. As mentioned above, this # file is intended to be copied and pasted to previous versions of # Fast-FAQ.html and Intro_F.html. print OUTFASTFAQTOC "
\n" ;
for ( $idx = 0 ; $idx < $num_intro_lines ; $idx++ )
    print OUTFASTFAQTOC $intro_array[$idx] ;
\n" ; # Use "gmtime" to load date-time variables in preparation for reporting the ending and # elapsed times. ($sece, $mine, $houre, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst ) = gmtime ( time ) ; if ( $sece < 10 ) { $sece = "0$sece" ; } if ( $mine < 10 ) { $mine = "0$mine" ; } print "End time: $houre:$mine:$sece GMT\n" ; if ( $sece < $secb ) { $sece += 60 ; $mine -= 1 ; } if ( $mine < $minb ) { $mine += 60 ; $houre -= 1 ; } if ( $houre < $hour ) { $houre += 24 ; } $secd = $sece - $secb ; $mind = $mine - $minb ; $hourd = $houre - $hour ; if ( $secd < 10 ) { $secd = "0$secd" ; } if ( $mind < 10 ) { $mind = "0$mind" ; } print "Elapsed time: $hourd:$mind:$secd\n" ;