What is the phone number of the Grammar Hotline?

by Mark Israel
     [This is a fast-access FAQ excerpt.]
There are many such.
   Of the two most prominent, one ("The National Grammar Hotline")
is run by Michael Strumpf, Professor of English at Moorpark
Community College, Moorpark, California, and author of Painless,
Perfect Grammar:  Tips from the Grammar Hotline (Monarch, 1985,
ISBN 0-671-52782-7).  The phone number is (805) 378-1494; the hours
are irregular, but he will return calls.
   The other ("The Write Line") is run by Richard Francis Tracz,
Chairman of the English Department at Oakton Community College in
Des Plaines, Illinois, and author of Dr. Grammar's Writes from
Wrongs:  A supremely authoritative guide to the common and not-so-
common rules of the English language (Vintage, 1991, ISBN
0-679-72715-9).  The phone number is (708) 635-1948, and the hours
are 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Central Time while classes are in
session.  His e-mail address is "richard@oakton.acs.edu".
   In general, Prof. Strumpf gives more conservative advice than
Prof. Tracz.
   For a "grammar hotline directory" that lists services state by
state across the U.S., see: [...]
     [A directory of grammar hotlines is now at
     Contact Information
     Virginia Beach Campus
     Bayside Building B-205 
     1700 College Crescent
     Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456
     Phone 757-822-7170
     E-mail writcent@tc.cc.va.us
     Director - Ann Woolford-Singh, Associate Professor of
     English ]